The Gazette has a pretty extensive article covering the hiring of Ken Witt. A sad day, to see the board take an action so many opposed. It’s going to be an interesting 2023.
The Gazette has a pretty extensive article covering the hiring of Ken Witt. A sad day, to see the board take an action so many opposed. It’s going to be an interesting 2023.
Coloradopols has a story covering our district’s decision to hire Ken Witt, check it out here.
They sum up the situation perfectly with this quote:
Hiring Ken Witt with the baggage he brings is nothing less than a provocation.
If the parents, students, and teachers of Woodland Park respond like Jeffco did, it could be a very bad bet.
Hi everyone! Yes, I know this website sure got quiet fast. Rest assured, we are still as active as ever! Things got so busy with the school and life that maintaining this site has really fallen to the wayside. If you’d like to know everything going on, the best way is to follow the Facebook group called Concerned Parents of Teller County. We’re also posting videos of most of the board meetings, and any TV stories, at our YouTube site.
We had hoped things would settle down after the board fired Superintendent Neal in June. We were on track for a bit of normalcy, with Tina and Del stepping in to be co-superintendents. It seemed as if maybe this website would no longer be needed? But then of course, the board voted to hire Ken Witt. So…yeah, we’re back. We’ll start giving this site more info as I think it’ll help people get up to speed. In the meantime, follow those links above, and consider signing a petition students have set up at change.org.