Families, educators, school leaders, and public education advocates across the country are joining together in celebrating public schools, Feb. 27–Mar. 3; a week designated to highlight and show support for our local public schools.
Public Schools Week 2023 (#PSW23) is part of a larger campaign—#HerefortheKids—one that brings together families, educators, and community members to shine a light on local public schools and share the stories of the positive things happening in classrooms and school buildings nationwide. The teaching and learning in our local K-12 public schools positively impacts students and families, the neighborhoods, and communities they live in, and our nation as a whole. With commitment, creativity, and critical thinking, educators and school leaders continue to provide welcoming and engaging learning opportunities for our children.
“Public Schools Week 2023 provides a much-needed opportunity to showcase success stories and public-school champions—those who have gone above and beyond to meet students’ social, emotional, and academic needs—particularly in these extraordinary times and circumstances,” said Richard Long, executive director of the Learning First Alliance.
The weeklong #PSW23 celebration includes two live webinars and a twitter chat.
- Live Webinar: Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2-3 pm ET “Advancing Teaching and Learning Post-Pandemic”
This webinar features national education leaders in a discussion about how districts, schools and education professionals are creating conditions to advance teaching and learning.
- Twitter Chat: Wed., Mar. 1, 7-7:30 pm ET “Engaging Your Community”
In this best practice exchange of ideas, join parents, educators, school and education professionals in an online conversation about promising approaches to strengthen family, school, and community engagement.
- Live Webinar: Thurs., Mar. 2, 2-3 pm ET “Why Storytelling Matters”
In this webinar, education and communications experts share insights and tools to enhance your storytelling skills.
#PSW23 is supported by members of the Learning First Alliance; leading education groups, representing more than 10 million members, including American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; AASA: The School Superintendents Association; American Federation of Teachers; American School Counselor Association; Consortium for School Networking; Learning Forward; National Association of Elementary School Principals; National Association of Secondary School Principals; National Education Association; National PTA; National School Boards Association, and National School Public Relations Association.
Joining the #PSW23 celebrations are Discovery Education, Association of School Business Officials International, and the Council of Administrators of Special Education. Visit this webpage for the complete list of supporters.
About Public Schools Week, Feb. 27-Mar. 3
Visit www.publicschoolproud.org for more information about Public Schools Week and social media messages and graphics that you can use to show your support for your local public schools.
About the Learning First Alliance
The Learning First Alliance is a partnership of leading education organizations with more than 10 million members dedicated to improving student learning in America’s public schools. Alliance members include American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; AASA: The School Superintendents Association; American Federation of Teachers; American School Counselor Association; Consortium for School Networking; Learning Forward; National Association of Elementary School Principals; National Association of Secondary School Principals; National Education Association; National PTA; National School Boards Association, National School Public Relations Association, and PDK International.