What happened to what was going to be our fifth school board candidate forum, the one hosted by Woodland Park High School students? Massive rejection, that’s what. First, their attempts to hold a joint Merit/WPHS forum, where students from both schools would organize and moderate the forum, was quickly rejected by Merit Headmaster Gwynn Pekron. Then, WPHS students’ own administration rejected them, when Ken Witt and Kim Moore shut down this effort.
But Woodland Park Panthers are tough. They don’t just back down.
I’m proud of the students of the Woodland Park High School…they are proceeding with their school board candidate forum, in defiance of the wishes of Ken Witt and the board members that support him. Since their school won’t support them, they’ll be holding their forum at the Woodland Park Public Library on Saturday, October 21st, at 10:00AM. I’m told that invitations have gone out to all six candidates; I do not know how many have replied. But a forum being hosted by the very students our board is responsible for, and hosted in our public library? This seems like our best chance yet to get all six candidates in the same room at the same time.