From the 1/17/2024 Courier:
The election IS over but the circus continues
As seen at the January 10 school board meeting, nothing has changed. During that meeting, public commenters pleaded with the board for transparency and responsive communication with ALL stakeholders. The board discussed the superintendent contract and the revised budget that didn’t include the loss of 104 students with potential for a continuing decline in enrollment.
When discussing the superintendent contract, the audience grew frustrated. Bates, Kimbrell, Patterson, and Rusterholtz spoke to the contract, with Witt’s potential requests as the focus of discussion. They said a search would cost $11,000. However, Keegan Barkley volunteered to do a passive search at no cost to the district.
During Keegan‘s remarks, I was alarmed that on numerous occasions she was left out of board correspondence, hearing things for the first time like an audience member. Keegan’s contributions were thoughtful and professional, while the rest of the board looked confused and befuddled, even by rudimentary procedural rules.
With funding reliant on enrollment numbers, you’d think more time would be spent on why we lost 104 students. Instead, it was glossed over, no transparency or communications. If the school board has made positive change, why is staff turnover continuing? Why are we losing students? Why are stakeholders asking for transparency and communication even after Bates and Kimbrell promised it? The election is over, but no meaningful change in board operation happened. The majority of the community are still dissatisfied and will not be silenced. The election is over, but the circus is not.
Bridget Curran, Florissant
Yes, the election is over but the WPSB dysfunction is not
At the December 13, 2023 school board meeting out-going President David Rusterholtz said he hoped the Board would improve communication and transparency. On December 15, 2023 Superintendent Witt fired WPHS Principal Kevin Burr. Witt notified Board members except for David Rusterholtz and new member Keegan Barkley. Instead they learned of the firing when the email was sent to the public.
At the January 10, 2023 WPSB meeting a constituent asked about the representative vacancy for the January BOCES meeting. President Mick Bates replied to this public comment saying “I spoke with the Board members” and it was decided Cassie Kimbrell would be the new representative. Keegan Barkley then reported she had never been contacted. Mr. Bates replied, “You’re a hard lady to get ahold of”. Really? During the campaign Keegan answered messages quickly and efficiently. Once again she was excluded.
Also during this Board meeting approval was required for the minutes and the list of employees joining or leaving the District. Keegan Barkley received information that an employee was fired but listed as resigned. Superintendent Ken Witt then stated he couldn’t give details but that person’s status changed from fired to resigned “after a settlement”. What? Is our school district doing settlements to avoid more lawsuits?
I’m sorry Mr. Logan but you are going to continue to get news items about this dysfunctional Superintendent and Board because over forty-nine percent of voters in this county need to be informed of Board actions as they work to dismantle our public schools.
Gail Gerig, Woodland Park