If the traditional schools are fully staffed (or close to it) and in great shape, why did my first grader’s class size jump from 16 to 30 this year?
How is this the best education for my daughter when her class is so big and loud that she comes home with headaches to the point we bought noise canceling headsets so she can concentrate on schoolwork – while in class?
— Read on the Gazette
Author Archives: Matt G
Looking ahead to a collaborative future | Guest column
School board candidate Keegan Barkley wrote a guest column in the latest edition of the Courier, outlining her vision for the school district. It’s worth a read if you haven’t already decided who to vote for. Personally, I think Keegan Barkley, Seth Bryan, and Mike Knott would make fantastic school board members and help heal the divisiveness our current board has fostered.
Andrew Wommack, a Woodland Park Preacher, Wants His Followers to Rule the World
Andrew Wommack wasn’t kidding back in 2021 when he called his followers to “take over” Woodland Park, the mountain town of 8,000 west of Colorado Springs
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2023/09/andrew-wommack-a-woodland-park-preacher-wants-his-followers-to-rule-the-world/56091/
DAVIS: Fear & Loathing in Woodland Park
Since the insurgent school board was elected in November 2021, the district’s problems have multiplied: legal expenses have increased by more than 900%, with much of that taxpayer money flowing into the pockets of established political operatives; the district is hemorrhaging staff at a rate far above the statewide average for the second school year in a row; and the once-quiet mountain town is now at risk of being swept away by rivers of bad blood flowing from the fights picked and petty vendettas pursued by one board member in particular, whom district parents have described as “unhinged” and “psychologically disturbed.”
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2023/09/davis-fear-loathing-in-woodland-park/56044/
Andrew Wommack wants his followers to rule the world – Baptist News Global
Andrew Wommack wasn’t kidding back in 2021 when he called his followers to “take over” Woodland Park, the mountain town of 8,000 west of Colorado Springs that’s home to his ministry and Charis Bible College.
“This county ought to be totally dominated by believers,” Wommack said. “We have enough people here in this school we could elect anybody we want. We could take over this place.”
— Read on baptistnews.com/article/andrew-wommack-wants-his-followers-to-rule-the-world/
Letter to the Editor: Wommack Ministries Responds To ‘Onward Christian Soldiers – A Woodland Park Investigation’
This letter is in response to the opinion article, “DAVIS: Onward Christian Soldiers – A Woodland Park Investigation,” dated August 24, 2023. As a senior executive at Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College, I am in a unique position to respond to the allegations made throughout the article.
Fostering transparency: Addressing inaccuracies in recent column | Guest column | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com
In response to a recent guest column published in the Courier, I was compelled to respond to the baseless accusations that were levied against me and my fellow candidates. While
— Read on https://gazette.com/pikespeakcourier/fostering-transparency-addressing-inaccuracies-in-recent-column-guest-column/article_e76e4bac-436f-11ee-86c9-734000db04e9.html?fbclid=IwAR313HIWVXw4UXe8GgEkKWnkESFLl5Mt_8GHIfI33up6UVJowfa5j4LIWcc_aem_AUhV5cjkEmwTUZZSD-LO0Sie6M0s3avqLchLB0hVprceeymapexZOP-qFDhblooM4rA
Colorado teachers eligible for $1k to buy school supplies thanks to $11 million of federal funding | KRDO
Colorado teachers eligible for $1k to buy school supplies thanks to $11 million of federal funding | KRDO
— Read on krdo.com/news/2023/08/24/colorado-teachers-eligible-for-1k-to-buy-school-supplies-thanks-to-11-million-of-federal-funding/
DAVIS: Onward Christian Soldiers – A Woodland Park Investigation
From the pulpit, Wommack preaches a fiery version of Christian nationalism, focused more on society than scripture, advocating for a near-theocratic merging of Christian principles and public institutions. His doctrine is wed to no real theological tradition, presenting as an incomplete reduction of Calvinist reconstructionism, Pentecostal dominionism, and American folk religion. He runs schools, churches, missionary organizations and political nonprofits. Soon, he hopes to run Woodland Park.
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2023/08/davis-onward-christian-soldiers-a-woodland-park-investigation/55674/
Braver Angels launches chapter in Woodland Park | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com
Driven by the nation’s polarization that has trickled down to Woodland Park, the local chapter of Braver Angels launches an introduction this month.
“I feel like this is an opportunity to make a difference,” said Billie Donegan, who with Holly Sample initiated the event Aug. 29.
Founded by David Blankenhorn after the 2016 election, Braver Angels is a New York-based nonprofit dedicated to political depolarization around the nation.
— Read on gazette.com/content/tncms/live/