Author Archives: Matt G

Peter Greene: Will Colorado Voters Be Wise Enough to Oppose This Ballot Measure? | Diane Ravitch’s blog

Peter Greene examines a proposed amendment to the state constitution in Colorado and its whacko implications. He urges voters to say NO. He writes: While other states are stumbling over constitutional language that aims public dollars at public schools (e.g. South Carolina and Kentucky), voucher fans in Colorado have proposed a constitutional amendment that comes up for a…
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Colorado Supreme Court will review judicially created doctrine that lets public bodies ‘cure’ open meetings law violations – Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition

The “cure” case concerns a 2022 open meetings law violation by the Woodland Park school board, which considered a memorandum of understanding with a charter school under a vague “BOARD HOUSEKEEPING” agenda item.

A district court judge initially granted a preliminary injunction, ordering the board to “clearly, honestly and forthrightly” list future agenda items pertaining to the charter school. But the judge and the Court of Appeals later rejected plaintiff Erin O’Connell’s argument for the awarding of attorney fees because the board “effectively cured the prior violation” by discussing and voting on the MOU at a subsequent public meeting.
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Christian Conspiracy Conference Takes on Globalists, Transgender People, and Election Fraud

CTR recently obtained an audio recording of Transform Colorado’s July 16 event in Del Norte, where speakers Richard Harris and William Federer encouraged the audience to support their conservative political agenda while indulging in wild conspiracies.
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Project 2025’s Plan to Eliminate Public Schools Has Started | TIME

Concerned about shrinking enrollments and budget crises, district leaders conclude that they must close schools, often without any evidence or analysis that it would save money—and, indeed, it hasn’t been shown to save money unless coupled with mass layoffs. They hire consultants who come up with “utilization” rates and then recommend closing schools with the lowest rates to “rightsize” the district—their euphemism for their misguided belief that school facility usage should be guided by arbitrary numbers instead of meeting communities where they are.
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Colorado Supreme Court will review judicially created doctrine that lets public bodies ‘cure’ open meetings law violations – Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition

A district court judge initially granted a preliminary injunction, ordering the board to “clearly, honestly and forthrightly” list future agenda items pertaining to the charter school. But the judge and the Court of Appeals later rejected plaintiff Erin O’Connell’s argument for the awarding of attorney fees because the board “effectively cured the prior violation” by discussing and voting on the MOU at a subsequent public meeting.
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Across the nation and in Colorado, partisan cultural battles create blizzard of school-related lawsuits | Education |

Not that long ago, public school boards in Colorado struggled to attract any candidates to run for office or be appointed to fill vacated seats. Today, some contenders spend tens
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