Author Archives: Matt G

What Educators Should Know About the Gender Identity Executive Order and LGBTQI+ Rights | NEA

You should know that the President does not have the authority to rewrite federal civil rights laws through an executive order, Accordingly, the President’s order does not – and cannot – repeal existing laws that make it illegal to discriminate against transgender, intersex or nonbinary people.
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Woodland Park school board votes to recognize only two sexes and reject gender ideology | KRDO

In a 4-1 vote, officials are now to recognize only male and female genders inside of Woodland Park Schools. 

While the majority of the board voted in favor, one member strongly voiced her opposition.

“Why do we keep focusing on these nonsense issues instead of focusing on things that are actually going to help our students and our school?” Keegan Barkley said.
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(you can read the full resolution here)

ACLU of Colorado Sues Elizabeth School District Over Book Bans | ACLU Colorado

The ACLU of Colorado, representing C.C., a student at Elizabeth High School, E.S., a student in the Elizabeth School District (ESD), the NAACP – Colorado – Montana – Wyoming State Area Conference (NAACP), and the Authors Guild, sued the Elizabeth School District for removing books
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Derrick Wilburn files lawsuit against Academy D-20 parent | Courts |

Academy District 20 school board member Derrick Wilburn has filed a lawsuit alleging that district parent, Bernadette Guthrie, has waged a public, multi-pronged smear campaign against him for almost a year.
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Note, a GoFundMe has been set up to help with the legal defense costs for this parent. The prosecuting attorney bringing this case against this parent is David Illingworth, the Woodland Park school board member soundly defeated by Keegan Barkley in the last election. The D20 board president is Aaron Salt, who you’ll recognize as Ken Witt’s right-hand man in WPSD.

A ‘new breed’ of charter schools is spreading Christian nationalism — at taxpayers’ expense –

Charges that public schools are subjecting children to leftwing indoctrination are proving to be mostly over-hyped or not at all based in fact. Yet, there’s evidence, according to a new report, that a fast-growing sector of the charter school industry is engaged in indoctrination, only, in this case…
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