Author Archives: Matt G

Update on Merit contract status

Since the board isn’t updating us on this process, I’m learning what I can via CORA requests. The latest is that Brad Miller sent a draft of the contract with Merit to another attorney after a brief one week review with Gustafson, Neal, and the outside consultant Tom Weston. This draft contract was sent on February 22, along with a document outlining benchmarks (source). The other attorney is Barry Arrington (, the person who signed the MOU on behalf of Merit (so we can assume he’s their legal counsel in this matter). My CORA request was focused on conversations between Gustafson and the Weston, and those conversations really dropped off after the draft contract was sent. So, I’ll need to submit a different CORA request to learn what’s been happening since.

If you’d like to read the results of that CORA request detailing talks between Gustafson and Weston, you can find all the documents here.