Woodland Park family told special needs senior can’t walk at graduation this year. Her IEP advocate said district violates senior activity participation.
— Read on www.koaa.com/news/covering-colorado/woodland-park-family-told-special-needs-senior-cant-walk-at-graduation-this-year
Author Archives: Matt G
Colo. justices reject school co-ops’ ‘extraterritoriality’ | Courts | coloradopolitics.com
The Colorado Supreme Court ruled on Monday that cooperative associations of school boards lack the power to open facilities outside their boundaries in school districts that do not consent to the placement.
— Read on www.coloradopolitics.com/courts/colorado-justices-agree-school-district-coops-cannot-locate-facilities-outside-borders/article_b3bb1a60-16d2-11ef-96c5-cfbd562121bc.html
This ruling rejects the method Ken Witt and Brad Miller used to start up Merit Academy under ERBOCES instead of encouraging Merit to update and resubmit their application to WPSD.
School district presentation draws ire of city council | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com
A budget presentation by the Woodland Park School District made to the Woodland Park City Council on May 16 turned contentious at best and hostile at worst.
— Read on gazette.com/pikespeakcourier/school-district-presentation-draws-ire-of-city-council/article_6fe117b4-1483-11ef-8b71-bbc4c49c5969.html
Colorado’s budget stabilization factor to be eliminated, paving the way for fully-funded education | Education | coloradopolitics.com
Colorado lawmakers were happy to announce that the state’s education budget stabilization factor, known as the “BS factor,” will be eliminated this year, paving the way for schools to get $10 billion in the 2024-25 school year, an estimated increase of $400 more per student.
— Read on www.coloradopolitics.com/education/colorados-budget-stabilization-factor-to-be-eliminated-paving-the-way-for-fully-funded-education/article_44314dce-ec82-11ee-8548-bb7bf4791f60.html
WPSD leadership emboldened by lack of oversight
After voters rejected change last fall, and with the Colorado Department of Education handicapped by no legal authority to actually provide any oversight, Ken Witt and the WPSD board of education seem to be growing bolder, knowing there’s no real accountability in Colorado.
Recently, in responding to a single CORA request of mine, I believe the WPSD:
- Violated my rights under CORA
- Limited my rights to public participation in a school board mtg
- Admitted to violating Colorado Sunshine Law
- Issued a sworn statement that is legally incorrect
Here’s the timeline of events:
3/8 – agenda published for 3/13 regular board meeting
3/8 – board packet emailed to board members
3/8 – CORA req #617 submitted for board packet for 3/13 mtg; district sent confirmation of receipt at 3:54PM 3/12
3/13 – board mtg gets postponed one week due to weather
3/13 – 11:06AM, district sends email that for CORA #617, “These materials are not available under CORA because they are protected under the deliberative process privilege.”
3/13 – 11:32AM, I sent an email reply: “You make a claim of deliberative process privilege; I request that my rights under C.R.S. § 24-72-204(3)(a)(XIII) be respected. Per that section of Colorado law, I request “a sworn statement specifically describing each document withheld, explaining why each such document is privileged, and why disclosure would cause substantial injury to the public interest.” I also request that, per the same cited law, ” the custodian shall apply to the district court for an order permitting him or her to restrict disclosure.”
3/18 – The district sent a sworn statement signed by Superintendent Ken Witt, with these claims: “
- It is my opinion that the document is privileged under the deliberative process exception of CORA because it constitutes the confidential deliberations of the WPSD Board of Education which have not yet been released to the public or discussed in an open meeting.
- Disclosure of the document would cause substantial harm to the public interest because it would quell open and honest deliberations by members of the WPSD Board of Education when drafting, editing, and reviewing board packets prior to their public release.”
3/20 – the postponed 3/13 board mtg is held
3/21 – after several queries about the status of the district court order, I instead receive the results of my original CORA request #617. This exceeded the three day deadline the law requires them to provide a single document in. They never did get the court order as required, they just ran out the clock until it didn’t matter anymore.
Because the packet had been distributed to the board on 3/8 for use in a public meeting, it is not a protected document under 24-72-202(6.5)(c) – therefore it is subject to CORA.
I spoke in the public comment portion in the 3/20 mtg; not having access to the board packet prior to the mtg deprived me of the opportunity & right to provide comment relevant and based on information to be presented in the board meeting (knowing only general topics in the agenda).
The statements by Witt suggests a Sunshine Law violation, by saying there were ‘confidential deliberations’ outside of the public eye, that were the reason to withhold the document.
Bad Faith: The Narrowgate Cult
None of them realized they were in a cult until it was too late. It started in late 1993 as a Bible study group composed of students from Messiah College
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2024/03/bad-faith-the-narrowgate-cult/
State Ed Board Rejects Elizabeth School District Request to Hire Unlicensed Substitutes
While discussing the request, two members cited a recent Times Recorder article Colorado’s Board of Education voted 6-3 earlier this month to deny the
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2024/03/state-board-rejects-elizabeth-school-district-request-citing-colorado-times-recorder-article/60664/
Ballot Initiatives Target Transgender Students
Relegated to minority status in the Colorado legislature, Republicans are turning to ballot initiatives in an attempt to pass laws targeting transgender
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2024/02/ballot-initiatives-target-transgender-students/59992/
DAVIS: Project 2025 and its Colorado Connections
One of the most audacious efforts in the history of American politics is currently being planned, not in smoke-filled rooms, but out in the open. It’s
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2024/03/davis-project-2025-and-its-colorado-connections/60848/
The ‘dark money’ behind the lobbyists opposing a Colorado charter school accountability bill
On March 7, three Colorado legislators introduced a charter school accountability bill to establish improved guidelines for authorizing and renewing charter schools by local school districts. The bill would strengthen the authority that elected school boards have regarding their governance of charter schools, and it also provides citizens with expanded information about the operations of […]
The post The ‘dark money’ behind the lobbyists opposing a Colorado charter school accountability bill appeared first on Colorado Newsline.
— Read on www.newsbreak.com/news/3380257157451-the-dark-money-behind-the-lobbyists-opposing-a-colorado-charter-school-accountability-bill