Woodland Park family told special needs senior can’t walk at graduation this year. Her IEP advocate said district violates senior activity participation.
— Read on www.koaa.com/news/covering-colorado/woodland-park-family-told-special-needs-senior-cant-walk-at-graduation-this-year
Category Archives: Media
Colo. justices reject school co-ops’ ‘extraterritoriality’ | Courts | coloradopolitics.com
The Colorado Supreme Court ruled on Monday that cooperative associations of school boards lack the power to open facilities outside their boundaries in school districts that do not consent to the placement.
— Read on www.coloradopolitics.com/courts/colorado-justices-agree-school-district-coops-cannot-locate-facilities-outside-borders/article_b3bb1a60-16d2-11ef-96c5-cfbd562121bc.html
This ruling rejects the method Ken Witt and Brad Miller used to start up Merit Academy under ERBOCES instead of encouraging Merit to update and resubmit their application to WPSD.
School district presentation draws ire of city council | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com
A budget presentation by the Woodland Park School District made to the Woodland Park City Council on May 16 turned contentious at best and hostile at worst.
— Read on gazette.com/pikespeakcourier/school-district-presentation-draws-ire-of-city-council/article_6fe117b4-1483-11ef-8b71-bbc4c49c5969.html
State Ed Board Rejects Elizabeth School District Request to Hire Unlicensed Substitutes
While discussing the request, two members cited a recent Times Recorder article Colorado’s Board of Education voted 6-3 earlier this month to deny the
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2024/03/state-board-rejects-elizabeth-school-district-request-citing-colorado-times-recorder-article/60664/
DAVIS: City Council Races Could Complete Andrew Wommack’s “Takeover” of Woodland Park
Campaign signs are packed in tight clusters on the roadside as Highway 24 emerges from the mountain pass and levels-out into Woodland Park. It’s a
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2024/03/davis-city-council-races-could-complete-andrew-wommacks-takeover-of-woodland-park/60679/
3/20/2024 Letters to the Editor
From the 3/20/2024 Courier:
Woodland Park School District’s fiscal exigency
On March 1, WPSD Superintendent Witt announced that Gateway will be closed next year without any prior communication to stakeholders and without a single school board discussion. Ken said “This is a fiscal exigency that we need to consolidate these three schools”.
Why is the superintendent declaring fiscal exigency instead of our school board?
When mid-year budget revisions were presented in January and February, why was there no mention of a financial crisis?
Why have the self-proclaimed ‘conservative’ school boards elected since November 2022, consciously chosen to engage in deficit spending for the last two years if we were facing financial crisis? (Note that between 2015 and 2022, the general fund budget had been more or less balanced year after year. During the 22/23 school year, we spent $3.2 million more than our revenue. During this 23/24 school year, we have budgeted to spend $2.1 million more than our revenue.)
Why did district administration just quietly spend a very large sum on a new elementary Language Arts curriculum, and discard 5 years of curriculum that was completely paid for (AND that was selected using a rigorous process, involving input from parents, teachers, administrators and community members)? The new curriculum was purchased without ANY stakeholder input and is what’s offered at Merit Academy. How is this offering families ‘choice’?
Fiscal exigency? Why did we give our superintendent a 9.7% raise, with promises of a 5% annual pay increase and potential bonuses?
This is painful to witness.
Khurshid Rogers, Woodland Park
Conservative Activists Oppose Charter School Accountability, Propose Ballot Initiative
Conservative activist group Advance Colorado is leading the charge against House Bill 1363, “Charter Schools Accountability.” The bill would impose
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2024/03/conservative-activists-oppose-charter-school-accountability-propose-ballot-initiative/60551/
Woodland Park merging elementary schools
Woodland Park merging elementary schools, some parents and teachers say without warning. District officials say it’s because of staffing and enrollment numbers at Gateway.
— Read on www.koaa.com/news/covering-colorado/woodland-park-merging-elementary-schools-some-parents-and-teachers-say-without-warning
Woodland Park School District moves hundreds to different schools (KOAA)
KOAA’s coverage of the Gateway Elementary closure:
A student started a petition opposing this decision; you can view and sign it here.
City council, school board discuss sales tax continuation | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com
Many expected fireworks to come from the joint work session between the Woodland Park City Council and the Woodland Park School District RE-2 on April 29.
— Read on gazette.com/pikespeakcourier/city-council-school-board-discuss-sales-tax-continuation/article_885bd04a-d7ed-11ee-9c20-5bb6d17ebcc0.html