Category Archives: Media

News Articles

Letter to the Editor: Colorado Christian Organization Responds to Column on Christian Nationalism

This letter was written by Richard Harris, Executive Director at the Truth & Liberty Coalition, in response to Logan Davis’ column, published by the Colorado Times Recorder on January 31, 2024, titled “Christian Nationalism is Turning Into Something Even Worse.” Davis’ response to the letter is included below.
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DAVIS: Christian Nationalism is Turning Into Something Even Worse

In the three years since the January 6th insurrection, “Christian nationalism” has become a buzzword, bandied-about with no clear definition. Some have dismissed it as nothing, or a smear against Christian conservatives. Others have asserted that it is the single biggest threat to religious freedom in America and the future of the republic. Having spent the first half of my life steeped in Christian nationalism, and a large portion of the second half studying, analyzing, and working against right-wing extremist groups, I side with the latter camp. Buzzword or not, Christian nationalism presents a clear and present danger to the preservation of American democracy –  not just because of what it is now, but because of what it’s on its way to becoming.
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Shortly after publishing this article, the author, Logan Davis, appeared at a community event in Woodland Park to discuss this topic with the community. You can watch that below.

WP District’s Superintendent Ken Witt, runaway train | Guest column

From the 2/7/2024 Courier

On Jan. 17th, the Woodland Park School Board voted to extend district superintendent Ken Witt’s contract with a vote of 3 to 2. Why would they want to continue with a superintendent who has caused so much turmoil? Why would they give him a substantial raise even though he is still working part time? Why would they renew a contract without reviewing his performance, as set forth by board policy?

During Witt’s term here, there have been numerous protests. There were two student-led protests against his hiring. Then, parents lined the streets protesting Witt’s order to move sixth grade down to the elementary schools. Also, after the unconstitutional gag order, 81 teachers and staff wrote an open letter to the community pleading for better leadership. Just last month, numerous citizens wrote letters to the board and there was a petition with 300+ signatures begging for a superintendent search. This obviously fell on deaf ears. His contract was signed, regardless.

What a contract it is! The average salary for a superintendent of our district size is $132,000 (full time), per the Colorado Department of Education website. Witt is now making $170,000 per year (part time), with a monthly $500 car allowance (you need that when you travel from Monument) and guaranteed yearly raises of at least 5% plus bonuses. He received this raise without any performance review, which goes against policy. Could you imagine what those extra dollars could do for our teachers and SPED department? At this point, Witt is just pilfering district resources from us taxpayers.

Not only is Witt wasting dollars from taxpayers, he is creating a hostile work environment. Yes, there have been numerous lawsuits due to bad attorney advice or unethical behavior. However, what’s more alarming is how he speaks about our teachers and staff. During the coverage of the teachers speaking out, Witt said our teachers are “bent on fostering a hatred of America.” If you’ve met our teachers you know this isn’t true. Or the time he was asked about mental health and social service resources he said, “we’re not the department of mental health.“ There’s been numerous news interviews where he just hangs up or stares blankly, apparently pleading the 5th, when questioned. So why do we renew his contract?

Renewing Witt’s contract without a review is against long-standing board policy and much less, common business sense. When checked by Director Barkley, it appeared Witt has never had a formal review done since he was hired. A proper review would show that we aren’t being fiscally conservative, that employee retention is down, student enrollment is declining, and overall morale has diminished. As a community, we need to be questioning why these actions are happening at such a fast pace. Why do we have an incompetent outsider promoting an extremist culture war on our once tight-knit community? Why didn’t we perform a search for $11,000 rather than giving Witt a $15,000 raise? We must stop this runaway train called Witt.

Bridget Curran

Letter to the editor – 2/7/2024

Synopsis of letter to WPSD Board of Education

• 30+ years ago: Taxpayers approved bond: Build middle school for 6-8 grades to move OUT of high school.

• MS students unique: not little kids, not young adults; need own space.

• Merit given ½ MS

• Sixth grade lost opportunities moved to elementary: 1 day of band, 2-3 days of electives. social studies & science instead of 5, no longer allowed to participate: Forensics, MS clubs, all MS sports.

• MS losing building. Considerations?

• Cost to move MS

• Job status current MS staff?

• Supposedly better 6th not with 7th/8th; OK for 7th/8th sharing building with Jr’s/Sr’s?

• Aging HS building; available space safe & appropriate for students?

• Sports programs; Currently, 7 basketball teams between HS & MS. HS boys/girls alternate early/late practices. How will multiple teams practice & play in just 2 gyms? Benefit to athletes? Other sports using facilities? Will MS track athletes be bussed to MS track? Costs?

• MS, “under utilized,” 5 classes per grade with 25-28 students; OK for Merit to have entire building with far fewer?

• Parking at HS limited. Space for another staff, parents, guests?

• Playground equipment at MS obtained through grant. Equipment relocated so MS students have access? MS has open space, and blacktop with basketball hoops, 4-square boxes. Where at HS is comparable space?

• Murals -MS walls designed & created by students. Merit already painted over work in current space; can assume same in entire building, wiping out what students produced in OWN building.

• BOE decisions without consideration of, nor input from, WPSD staff, students, parents continue to create animosity.

Laurie Gutierrez, Woodland Park

Woodland Park’s White-Supremacist Tainted History Courses Disappear From NCAA’s Approved List After CTR Inquiry

A basic review of the syllabi Woodland Park submitted for world history and world geography raised numerous red flags for Christopher Martel, a professor of social studies education at the University of Massachusettes. Martel helped develop the state’s history framework and is currently part of a research study on the role of politics in state standards development.
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DAVIS: Christian Nationalism is Turning Into Something Even Worse

Christian nationalism is not new, and it is not distinctly American. In many ways, it’s not even distinctly Christian. Rather, it’s a subset of religious nationalism, which has manifested in different times, places, and faiths. And everywhere it manifests, democracy is imperiled.
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Court of Appeals affirms judge’s order requiring release of Woodland Park School District security footage – Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition

The state’s second-highest court Thursday affirmed a judge’s order to disclose video surveillance footage showing three Woodland Park school board members talking with a candidate for superintendent after a public meeting in December 2022.
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Woodland Park Middle School obituary | Guest column

From the 1/31/2024 Pikes Peak Courier:

Woodland Park Middle School (WPMS) left this world on Jan. 19. It was declared dead to the public by email. WPMS is survived by its students, staff, parents, alumni, and community.

Woodland Park Middle School was born three decades ago to a community on the rise. A community full of hope with job opportunities for young families and natural attractions to support the growth of the area and a healthy school system. Woodland Park’s new middle school was a symbol of this community’s ascent.

WPMS was an in-between place which the community sought to give our kids an opportunity to thrive as they figured out who they were. It was a place for students who were not quite little kids anymore but not ready for the responsibilities of high school.

Many people reflect on their middle school years as the worst years of their life. Yet, for many, WPMS was something different. Former students described it as a safe place to mess up and have bad days. It was a place where students could fail, learn, and grow. Some said it was like a family, a place to be loved, a place for some tough honesty and accountability. It was never a school solely focused on academics. For 30 years, it was a place where kindness, integrity, and responsibility were just as important lessons as math and reading.

WPMS attracted quality teachers from across the country: retired military, former lawyers, field biologists, entrepreneurs, new and old teachers. It was a place where former students returned to teach because they believed in the mission and culture of teaching and connecting with squirrely 11-14 year old kids.

In its infancy, some even remarked that the WPMS building looked more like a shopping mall than a school. Sadly, its fate would be that of many shopping malls across the country.

In the early 2000s, a recession struck a blow to WPMS and Woodland Park’s schools as many businesses in the community and down the pass failed. People lost jobs and young families with children found it difficult to afford the cost of housing. The student enrollment began to decline.

In our society, people began to look for new opportunities to get what they wanted. Instead of the places which bring community together, people sought the convenience of their home computer or drove to specialty schools and stores which could meet their specific needs.

Woodland Park Middle School would never recover from these setbacks despite attempts to attract new students. WPMS chose to live life to the fullest: innovative programs, dances and pep rallies, expanding athletic opportunities, improving student spaces with new equipment and murals, field trips, exposition nights and authentic experiences for students.

However, it was not enough. Those from inside and outside of the community fought against Woodland Park Middle School’s efforts and it eventually succumbed to its fate.

Celebration of Life services forthcoming.

Memories, stories, and reflections can be sent to

Greg Spalding