Category Archives: News

Truth and Liberty Coalition – School Board Candidate Academy

Interested in running for school board? A friend in a neighboring community tipped me off to this…Andrew Wommack’s Truth and Liberty Coalition is hosting a Candidate Academy at Charis from 9:00-4:30 on Saturday, April 15th. It’s not open to just anyone though…you do need to fill out an application, which asks for things such as what church you attend, your pastor’s name and phone number, and an additional character reference. The training is being presented by the “National School Board Coalition”…an important-sounding group but one that, when you dig, isn’t really a coalition, it’s one guy, Ted Mische, a graduate of the Leadership Program of the Rockies (LPR) (Mische previously led the ‘Colorado School Board Coalition’).

Some excerpts from the invitation, which you can read in its entirety below, are:

At Truth and Liberty, we want every school district in this state to teach only edifying and morally upright curriculum with an accurate and patriotic view of American history.

We are facing a crisis in our times as our nation seems to be abandoning biblical teaching, morality, and even common sense at a pace and depth that is alarming. Can you imagine the positive long-term impact that biblically minded Christians could have as members of 178 school boards in this state?

Our Interim Superintendent Ken Witt (also an LPR grad) hired Mische to do some consulting work for ERBOCES in early January (Witt works two jobs, if you recall, his interim superintendent position in Woodland Park and his executive director position at ERBOCES). This candidate academy appears unrelated to that work but there appear to be close ties between Wommack and the LPR grads (such as Bob Schafer, Curt Grina, Tim Farmer, Bryce Carlson, Ken Witt, Mick Bates, Dan Williams, Trevor Miller, Brad Miller, Ted Mische).

Detailed information on the effect of refusing grant money this year

The school board and interim superintendent Ken Witt chose not to apply for most grants for the upcoming school year. We’ve struggled a bit to really and truly quantify what this means for the district…how to translate grants into job positions and benefits for the students. Thanks to the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), we’ve learned quite a bit. There are some outstanding CORA requests for more information, but for now, here’s what we’ve learned.

  • the grants received by the district for the ‘21-22 school year;
  • here’s the ‘22-23 school year info. Note the ‘ESSER’ grants are what’s often referred to as Covid money…temporary federal grants that are going away this fall.
  • Here’s a conversation via email about what grant topics are to be pursued for next year.

The real treasure trove of useful facts though, comes from an email exchange between Ken Witt and Laura Magnuson, the district mental health supervisor and a co-author of the mental health presentation given to the board on 12/21. Laura outlines how grants are being used, and later in the email summarizes a discussion she had with Witt on this topic of grants. Read this email for yourself, there is a LOT of information in there, only some of which I’ll be summarizing below.

  • The Substance Abuse Block Grant funded two social work positions and had additional funding for prevention. This grant was up for renewal; it would have been easy to renew this and maintain that funding.
  • The grant money she expected to be lost was about $1.2 million annually, funding fifteen jobs.
  • The School Health Professional Grant currently funds five school social workers (‘with significant additional program funding’).
  • Witt’s approach to mitigation acts of violence is to rely upon campus security, rather than fixing this problem at its source (mental health).
  • When asked how the schools would continue their work to prevent youth suicide, Witt replied that WPSD will prioritize academic success.

Sadly, Laura closed her email by stating her intent to not return to WPSD next year. Her email makes clear her dedication and caring for the students, and the community should be greatly concerned at not only her loss, but the reshaping of our district which has pushed her and others like her out.

Please read her email in its entirety for yourself. It’s our best insight to date on the use of grant money for social programs in the school district, and what we’ll be losing out on next year due to this board and interim superintendent.

Turning Point USA

As this email shows, board director Sue Patterson is trying to start a student club at our high school (yeah, the sort of thing that’s supposed to be started by actual students), a branch of the national organization Turning Point USA. It’s a pretty extreme-right political movement working to indoctrinate kids in the new version of ‘conservative’ political ideals. Oddly, they refer to themselves as a ‘grassroots‘ effort, though NBC reported they brought in around $55 million in revenue in fiscal year 2020.

WPSD decides to opt in to Colorado Free Lunch program

Last November, voters in Colorado passed proposition FF, which was a tax on high earners (above $300k) to fund a statewide free lunch program for public school students. Ken Witt expressed his opposition to this program in discussion with teachers at the beginning of March, but that just mobilized the public to speak out in support of this program. The pressure on the district appears to have worked…they announced that Woodland Park schools will opt in to the free lunch program! A great victory for the kids.

Parents protesting ‘critical race theory’ identify a new target: Mental health programs

As school districts struggle to address accusations that administrators are indoctrinating students in progressive ideas about race, gender and sexuality, the same parents and activists making the claims have begun targeting school initiatives centered on students’ mental health and emotional well-being.
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Witt modifies Policy GDQA – Support Staff Reduction in Force

Earlier in March, interim Superintendent Ken Witt modified administrative policy GDQA, ‘Support Staff Reduction in Force’. I’m not sure if there’s been any notice to staff of these changes; so far we’ve just depended on sharp-eyed team members. I’ll post the original and modified below, but here are the changes I found:

  • Reduction in Force section
    • Item 2, removed “however, the employee with the last employment date within a classification (i.e., teacher assistant, custodian, secretary, etc.) will be the first to be cancelled.”
    • Item 3, changed notice from 30 days to 14. Removed “The Board will forward a list of those employees being reduced to the Classified Association on the same date that the notice of cancellation was sent to the employee.”, added “The employee may be instructed not to return to work if the Superintendent, or designee, deem it in the best interests of the District.”
  • Recall section
    • Very minor rewording of header
    • Item 1, removed “In the best interests of the District, the Superintendent or designee will recall support staff employees from the list based on seniority.”, and added “When deemed in the best interest of the District, the Superintendent or designee may recall support staff employees from the list.” Note the change in language from ‘will‘ to ‘may‘.
    • Item 2, changed from 2 years to 1 year.
    • Item 3, removed “When a job opening occurs within the District, the former employee eligible for re-employment according to the recall list will receive written notice sent to the last known address by certified letter. The former employee must respond within five (5) days of receiving such notice.”, added “It is the responsibility of the former employees to maintain awareness of when a job opening is posted by the District for which the employee is qualified to apply.”
Original Policy, from 3/2011
Policy updated on 3/9/2023

Woodland Park School District expands bus route for Merit Academy students | KRDO

Woodland Park School District (WPSD) is now offering students at Merit Academy the same district school bus transportation offered to all other WPSD schools. 
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We’ve submitted a CORA request to learn to what extent Merit will be paying for this service.

The WPSD exodus begins

We’ve feared what impact this board, and especially interim superintendent Ken Witt, would have on staff in the Woodland Park School District RE-2. Last year, we saw the beginnings of that…and this year, we need to call this what it is: a mass exodus of instructional talent leaving this district.

Having a student in the High School here I’m a bit biased and focused on that school, so forgive me that, but let’s talk about that High School. Normally, staff turnover would be no more than 5%. We’re in mid March, and already, turnover is at 25% (where will we end up by summer?). The overwhelming majority of those leaving mention the board and interim superintendent are creating an untenable circumstance for them to continue. It is possible that seven different AP courses are affected by these resignations…replacement teachers for those are not straightforward and will require extra training ($$ for the AP side of things, and the college MA degrees that would yield concurrent and dual credit for students).

How will the district attract qualified teachers to fill these open positions? How many teachers will want to accept a position in a school district that is, by anyone’s measure, chaotic and unsettled (to put it mildly)? The board states that one of their core beliefs is, “Developing professional educators that engage and inspire students through positive ethical leadership.” They are not developing professional educators…they are driving them out.

This school board and superintendent have massively failed at their most important task, managing the public schools to foster a safe, stable place of learning for our students.

Baby We Were Born for War: To Dominionist Christian Groups, No Election is Too Small — and Colorado is Just the Beginning | Religion Dispatches

What had been, until recently, sleepy school board races across the state and the country, this year became political hot potatoes. The Colorado media generally cast these contests as battles between conservative groups and teachers unions, and that the results were mixed. But lost in this framing was the quiet electoral pilot project of the Truth and Liberty Coalition, the other arms of Wommack’s political and educational empire—and their out-of-state partner, the Texas-based Wallbuilders organization. 
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Liberals push back on Republican activism in school board elections

“There’s going to be more book bans, there’s going to be a broader pushback and they’re going to demonize LGBTQ-plus kids more than they already have,” Cousins said. “It’s an absolute right-wing radicalization of public education, and their mission is to make public education fail.”
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Here in Colorado, this right-wing effort is led by graduates of the Leadership Program of the Rockies like Brad Miller, Ted Mische, Bob Schaffer, Curt Grina, and Ken Witt.