Category Archives: News

Regarding Racism – by Joseph Marney

Local parent Joseph Marney has written a response to Mr. Rusterholtz’s comments regarding what is being taught in our schools in the Maverick Observer to various media outlets; it’s too long to paste here but you can read the PDF at this link.

My favorite quote from this:

My children are strong. They are curious. They are vibrant and compassionate. They have already outgrown the small-minded prejudice that keeps you living in fear. Their world is big. You will not change them. They will change you.

Gary Brovetto submits resignation letter

This letter went out this afternoon:

“Greetings, Staff of the Woodland Park School District, 

We want to make you aware that yesterday afternoon, Director Gary Brovetto delivered his letter of resignation to the District office as it is his wish to resign from the Board of Education effective immediately. We wanted to take a moment as a leadership team to thank Mr. Brovetto for his efforts in leading on the WPSD board, hours of dedicated time, and his specific support of our exchange students over the years.

As we look ahead, Mr. Brovetto’s resignation will be presented to the Board of Education in a special meeting on the 20th of April. Following this meeting, a Resolution to Declare the Vacancy will need to be approved by the Board, which is anticipated in the coming weeks. 

Please continue to check back on the homepage of WPSD for any updates to this message. 


Dr. Mathew Neal     
Woodland Park Superintendent of Schools “

The board will be meeting April 20th to discuss this, along with presumably the Merit Contract in executive session (link to agenda).

School Board Looking to Share Middle School with Merit Academy

At the last board meeting, a MOU was agreed upon to pursue contract discussions with Merit. Well, that process seems like a formality and the board is giving appearances of having made up their mind. Read this announcement from Superintendent Neal that was sent out today:

Greetings, Members of the WPSD Community,

We are pleased to update you regarding quick-moving discussions about the usage of our facilities going into next school year.

Yesterday, Woodland Park School District Leadership engaged with Woodland Park Middle School staff and contacted a Merit Academy representative to explore sharing the Middle School facilities starting in the 2022-23 school year. While facilities usage remains a priority for our upcoming Master Facilities Planning Committee, the District recognized the timely need for a decision, especially as WPSD and Merit need to begin plans this spring to modify the building space. 

Additionally, the District feels confident that this plan will continue to meet the needs of our Middle School students and honor the value we hold for our community-based elementary schools. It is also important to mention that we will have the opportunity to expand and enhance our Middle School STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Math) program and our Industrial Arts program as we configure the building through this planning process.

As we move forward, we want to remind our WPSD staff and community to remain focused on the learning and growth of our students. Our teams remain committed to our core values and mission of embracing a culture where all learners are empowered to pursue intellectual, personal, and collective excellence, a truly winning idea from our leadership team supporting our great students.

Further details of this plan will be shared at a future community meeting.

Have a great rest of the week!! 

Dr. Mathew Neal
Superintendent of Schools 
Woodland Park School District

WPSD Work Session – Presentation Request

This was emailed to the board today:

Board President Rusterholtz,

I would like to formally request an opportunity to present at a WPSD Board Work Session regarding facility usage. On February 24, 2022, there was a presentation given by a group calling themselves ‘The Taxpayers.’  In this presentation, the recommendation was to immediately surrender one of WPSD elementary schools to a charter school which hasn’t even officially been offered a contract by the district yet. I am appalled that the board would even consider this without proper data, a feasibility study, and a lengthy timeline for review.  

Woodland Park Community Education Coalition would like an opportunity to present factual data as well as another viewpoint, held by many people in this community. We would like the timeline of this presentation to precede any action item or vote taken by the board regarding building usage, reallocation of grade levels or determination of Merit Academy obtaining a building through WPSD. 

Please note that I have blind copied a group of approximately 60 individuals for both verification and in support of this request. I have also copied multiple media outlets so that they will remain aware of the ongoing situation in WPSD. 

Please confirm the date and time of the work session we can present at. We are looking forward to ensuring that you hear all of the facts before you make any decisions on building usage and related issues. Thank you.


Erin O’Connell

Woodland Park Community Education Coalition