The Gazette has a pretty extensive article covering the hiring of Ken Witt. A sad day, to see the board take an action so many opposed. It’s going to be an interesting 2023.
The Gazette has a pretty extensive article covering the hiring of Ken Witt. A sad day, to see the board take an action so many opposed. It’s going to be an interesting 2023.
The Gazette has more info on controversial board member Gary Brovetto announcing his desire to resign from the board. You can read the article here. It’ll be discussed and approved (we assume) in a special board meeting being held Wednesday (agenda).
He wrote that he “can no longer continue in this highly stressful hostile environment to be effective as a board member.” It’s not clear if it’s referring to the hostility of David Illingworth as evidenced in the 4/13 board meeting, or the pissed off community members (the latter, I presume).
Considering how Illingworth is absolutely driving the board at the moment with his obsession with Merit Academy it does leave little to no room for issues that Brovetto had previously expressed interest in.
Superintendent Neal is a finalist for a position up in Anchorage. It does seem like a good opportunity, and him being stuck between the staff and a hostile school board can’t make for a fun work environment. Read more here.
A large turnout at a school board meeting is not a sign of things going well! Read more here.
Article can be read here.
Gary Brovetto’s visit to the high school didn’t go as planned…read more here.