Tag Archives: race

District blocks the movie “Glory” from being shown to 8th graders

The district recently informed a teacher that the movie Glory, nominated for five academy awards and winner of three, may not be shown to their eighth grade class, as this message to parents explained:

I’ve never seen this movie, so did some research:. Here’s what Common Sense Media had to say (great website for parents to learn how movies might affect kids, by the way):

Overall, this movie is an unforgettable history lesson about soldiers who transcended the profound racism and ignorance of their time to find dignity, courage, valor, and self-respect when given the opportunity to prove their worth. 

IMDB has a great list to other reviews published about the movie if you’d like more perspectives.

Woodland Park School District RE-2 pulls course material after critical race theory complaint | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com

Woodland Park School District RE-2 is pulling material from a high school course following a complaint that it teaches critical race theory concepts.
— Read on https://gazette.com/pikespeakcourier/woodland-park-school-district-re-2-pulls-course-material-after-critical-race-theory-complaint/article_a5aadc5c-a195-11ed-bbfc-17926d9f7a45.html?fbclid=IwAR1TRN_LRoVN6nxrCd0M7luG58mCrpGbJppxJBI_SP5Ou56gvISUgqkv1Xw

Illingworth interviews board candidates about “Between the World and Me”

On Wednesday, the board interviewed three candidates for the vacant board seat. The video here is David Illingworth’s question, which he thinks is connected to the book “Between the World and Me” but really seems unrelated (I don’t think he actually read that book). This is the book that was removed (banned) from a high school class recently (read more about that here).

The board selected Mick Bates, the second person to be interviewed.