Tag Archives: teachers

Teacher/Faculty Appreciation Project (WPSA)

Those that work in our schools as educators, office & support staff, librarians, IT specialists, custodians, counselors & student support liaisons, and resource officers are some of the most incredible and outstanding individuals in our community. Schools are a safe, supportive place for students of all backgrounds: we are given the opportunity to grow as scholars through the assistance of our experienced and fantastic teachers, we are given the resources needed to explore the complex realm of graduation and higher education and/or careers, and we are offered the support and guidance through difficult situations from our incredible counselors and resource officers. These teachers and faculty members are here for us.

As students, it is heartbreaking and distressing to see the very people who have educated us, taught us kindness and respect, and instilled in us a love for learning be bombarded with harmful rhetorics and accusations. As our Board of Education continues to ignore the needs of students, we are labeled as pawns of our parents and teachers. Our educators 1st Amendment rights have been violated multiple times, and several of these wonderful humans have been fired or reassigned with no regards to the professionalism or ethics a board should employ. Teachers have been demoralized and strongly undervalued through false narratives and fear-mongering, when they should be regarded as one of the most important groups of people in our nation. 

We do not stand for nor tolerate the defamatory and damaging rhetoric that is spread against our teachers and school faculty. As a result, the Woodland Park Student Alliance is launching a campaign to spread positivity and awareness of just how much teachers and faculty support, enrich, and better the lives of their students and community. It is incredibly important to document and relish the positive impact these professionals have on students, their parents, their coworkers, and their communities. 

More info, and the form to fill out, can be found here.

Learn more about the Woodland Park Student Alliance

Report: Colorado’s education system is in crisis, and teachers are feeling it | Colorado Public Radio

Colorado’s education system is in a state of crisis, leaving many teachers feeling overworked, underpaid, not respected and worried that large, systemic issues connected to underfunding are hurting their students.

That’s according to the annual State of Education report from the largest teacher’s union in the state, the Colorado Education Association.
— Read on www.cpr.org/2023/01/31/colorado-teachers-report/