Letters to the Editor (Gazette, 1/10 and 1/11)

I thought I’d repost a few letters to the editor here, from the Gazette.

First up is What are we trying to accomplish? by Melissa Clark

It’s a common refrain: “Radical Socialist Democrats” are ruining our country. Red-faced, angry pundits, community leaders and everyday citizens, foaming at the mouth, screech scorching rhetoric primarily designed to fire up those that agree with them. This behavior is heartily embraced by conservative leaning members of our community, particularly in regard to the WPSD.

Jan. 4 letter to the editor by Curt Grina is an excellent example. Breathlessly wailing about the “Invasion of LGBTQ Zealots,” he calls critics of the current school board and interim superintendent a “cabal,” “socialist bullies,” questions the integrity of anyone who dare have the audacity disagree with him, then ends his letter with a demand that those who don’t agree with him shut up.

Board Vice President David Illingworth II is right there with him, quite literally believing there is a conspiracy amongst parents to turn their children against him, the board and Ken Witt, stating “…People who manipulate children like that are beneath contempt … I’m excited to work with (Witt) to improve the education of (Woodland Park School District) students for their own benefit, instead of being used by activists as weapons in a media campaign.”

I might ask both these individuals and those who agree with this blustering what they believe the point of education is. Yes, education should include basic academics: math, science, literature. But I would also challenge them to consider the message they are spewing out into our community. Disagreement is unacceptable. Critics must be silenced. 17- and 18-year-old students are mature enough to go to war for this country but at the same time are incapable of thinking for themselves what could benefit their education. Humility is a sign of weakness. Compromise is wrong.

What are we doing if we do not empower students to have confidence in themselves, to speak their truths, to stand up for what they believe is right? Fundamentally, shouldn’t education give children tools to think independently, make considered decisions and learn to make persuasive arguments when opinions differ? What are we trying to teach our students? Viewpoints are only valid when they agree with your narrow perspective? Differing outlooks should be summarily dismissed? Throwing temper tantrums in the media proves you are correct? Is it really better to silence critics than to welcome a challenge? Are our leaders so blinded by rigid ideology they cannot see they are advocating for abolishing a core tenement of American society, the freedom of speech? The ego, arrogance and hubris on display is astonishing!

Parents are pulling students from the district, and this cannot be disputed. Clearly, there are parents who make this choice because they do not feel the district is conservative enough in their platform and executive practices.

But why is no one mentioning the parents who are leaving the district as a direct result of the hateful discourse continually spewed from the top down?

Concerns like “the school board creates too much drama,” “the district does not care about any level of diversity” and “the district is not listening” are not uncommon. Have Mr. Grina, Mr. Illingworth, and the rest of the school leadership listened to these parents?

Is anyone shocked that stripping away the humanity of half the community, claiming liberals know nothing about education, are purposely destroying our community, are dumb, violent, manipulative and weaponize our children also drives parents away? Likely not; it’s more probable that in the eyes of leadership, these people do not matter, possibly do not even register as human beings.

Indeed, the message being delivered to our children is one of chest thumping and fist pounding as the ideal way to get your point across; that anyone who disagrees is nothing more than trash to be thrown away; all must conform or leave.

Why is this legacy acceptable?

Melissa Clark is a resident of Woodland Park.

Next up is Say goodbye to the WPSD by Gail Gerig

After the current Woodland Park school board members were elected, and after I attended the previous school year board meetings, the appointment of their friend Ken Witt as interim superintendent was a foregone conclusion. What does it mean? Goodbye to the WPSD as we once knew it — as a school district whose students, superintendent, teachers and parents worked for years to develop an inclusive environment for growing and learning.

And now? For the students, say goodbye to culturally responsive and relevant curriculum and teaching ideology that allowed you to investigate, question, think critically and forge a new future that is your own.

For the teachers? Say goodbye to the ability to use your education, expertise, and the autonomy to respond to student needs and new ideas in the moment and without fear.

For the parents? Say goodbye to the educational format you supported free of politics and religion, the rapport you had with administration, the unrestricted communication with teachers and the high level outcome of your child’s educational and emotional needs.

For the WP community? Say goodbye to the secular, independent, apolitical and professional school district that encouraged innovation and say hello to an ultra-conservative, political and religious-based entity.

The influence of Christian nationalism and conservative charters is here to stay unless those of us who trust in the quality and freedom of public school to use their collective knowledge to prepare our children to be successful and caring citizens are willing to speak up. In November, three school board members will be elected. Now is the time to organize, plan and support three new candidates who will trust in the passion and expertise of our current staff and who understand the role of public education as well as the role of effective school boards. If we can elect a new trio of caring people who listen and learn before acting, we could bring normalcy and trust back to the Woodland Park School District.

Gail Gerig, Woodland Park

Two letters were also submitted in favor of the school board. First, Great experience trumps pedigree by Jamie Dion (WPSD DAC secretary)

The elitist snobbery drips from Carl Carnein’s letter to the editor in the Dec. 28 edition of the Pikes Peak Courier. Carl seems to believe that education is the only factor that should determine someone’s salary. Education can be relevant, but professional experiences are significantly more valuable. Look no further than to the stories of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson who hold no college degree but are some of the richest men in the world.

My own grandmother was a pregnant high school drop out at the age 16. She went on to earn her GED and became a Colorado State House Representative. Her most notable legislation was bringing Major League Baseball to the state of Colorado, the Colorado Rockies. In addition, she was the director for the Colorado Housing Division and served on the board of the Regional Transportation District. She went on to successfully sell and teach real estate. Perhaps my grandmother isn’t as well-known as Bill Gates, but there are countless stories of others just like hers.

Demonstrating that you have the ability and skills to do the job far outweighs a piece of paper. Ken Witt has over 20 years of running several successful businesses and has led ERBOCES overseeing education programs, schools and 4,600+ students. It seems the institution of education has taught people that the letters behind their name are valued above experience. This may be why we have so many people with master’s degrees working at Starbucks and don’t know how to balance a check book.

Jamie Dion, Woodland Park

Last up, Re: The WP school board by Keith McKim

After reading recent Courier articles, watching the behavior of a few dissidents at school board meetings, listening to their complaints and seeing the manipulation of students, I am led to wonder and ask, “Are you dissidents at war with Teller County voters?”

We have elected this school board and we enthusiastically endorse what they are doing. They are delivering on what they promised!

The constant complaining and vitriol coming from the Left is irritating. Paying attention to you is like watching a spoiled child act out in public; it’s not pretty and it’s not persuasive.

Most of Teller County laughed at the phony, deceitful, fake student protests. This was not a spontaneous protest! Do you think that we can’t see through your disgusting manipulations? It was comical, like watching naughty children seeking attention.

Not having the courage to stand up for your own failed ideas, you used these students and made fools of them.

You, like your policies, have failed. The flood of students leaving RE-2 began under your watch and will continue until Teller County parents see real change in the system you created over a 20-year period.

Our new school board is only 14 months old and has already made basic changes and laid the foundation for more dramatic corrections.

We will earn the trust of parents as we honor their desire for a better curriculum, better study materials, better social values, more accountability and less indoctrination.

When we make the changes that parents demand for their children they will return to RE-2.

BLM, CRT, Sex Education, SUMMIT LEARNING, ANTIFA violence … all Left wing causes, will be dismantled and dismissed. Basic subjects will be taught, and students will learn why the United States is exceptional, why the Constitution is important, what God given rights we are guaranteed and how to uphold and defend those rights.

70% of Americans do not know that the Constitution is the law of the land … Not the government, not the Supreme Court, not the president or any individual, but the Constitution!

There was a time when the purpose of public education was to prepare informed citizens to love and serve God, to love and serve country and to love and serve the family.

The former school board led us away from those inspiring values to the precipitous edge of disaster. The present school board will prevent us from falling into that godless abyss of slavery, ignorance and death.

May God Bless our school board and GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Keith McKim, Florissant

I think one thing apparent, if you’ve read this far, is just how divided this community currently is.