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Monthly Archives: March 2023
School Board ordered to disclose surveillance video | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com
The Woodland Park School District was ordered last week to disclose video surveillance of a discussion among three school board members with Ken Witt, a candidate at the time for superintendent.
— Read on https://gazette.com/pikespeakcourier/school-board-ordered-to-disclose-surveillance-video/article_15c1fbfc-cb52-11ed-ab87-d33ccbd788f5.html
3/25/2023 Weekly Update
Last week:
- A job posting for a new CFO position in the district has disappeared from the district website. It’s not clear if the position has been filled or removed (this would be a new position created in our district).
- There’s a posted job opening for a Library Media Specialist at the high school. This was Sara Lee’s position before Witt eliminated that in January (temporarily, it seems).
- In a complete 180 from public comments made to teachers in the schools in early March, the district announced it would participate in the statewide free lunch program funded by proposition FF, passed by voters last fall.
- A good article on conflict around SEL programs elsewhere can be read here.
- We received, through CORA, a list of grants the district has received for this school year, as well as some inside information in an email exchange about some grants Witt chose not to pursue for this year.
- A reminder about the religious influence on school board elections previously…we expect more of the same this year.
- Quite a few good letters to the editor this week.
- The district lost a ‘show cause’ hearing regarding a CORA request for video evidence of a board Open Meetings violation. Unknown if the board will choose to appeal.
- We discovered that Witt has modified policy KDDA, regarding terminating employment of support staff.
- The district will be providing transportation services to Merit Academy students, though it’s not clear if Merit will have to pay for this service. We’re turning to CORA to learn more.
- We’re already learning about a large number of teachers and staff leaving the district.
- We summarized many ways in which the board and Witt are not being transparent, ‘operating in the shadows‘ as we called it.
Here’s what’s coming up this week:
- With the district on spring break, we expect little public activity.
WPSD decides to opt in to Colorado Free Lunch program
Last November, voters in Colorado passed proposition FF, which was a tax on high earners (above $300k) to fund a statewide free lunch program for public school students. Ken Witt expressed his opposition to this program in discussion with teachers at the beginning of March, but that just mobilized the public to speak out in support of this program. The pressure on the district appears to have worked…they announced that Woodland Park schools will opt in to the free lunch program! A great victory for the kids.

Parents protesting ‘critical race theory’ identify a new target: Mental health programs
As school districts struggle to address accusations that administrators are indoctrinating students in progressive ideas about race, gender and sexuality, the same parents and activists making the claims have begun targeting school initiatives centered on students’ mental health and emotional well-being.
— Read on www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parents-protesting-critical-race-theory-identify-new-target-mental-hea-rcna4991
District grant information, ’22-23 school year and partial info for ’23-24
With Witt deciding to not apply for grants this year, the question is, what impact does that have? To help understand how the district uses grant money, check out this list obtained under CORA of all the grants the district has accepted for this current school year:
As for next school year, we’re still trying to get comprehensive data. For now, we do have this email from Witt seeking confirmation that the follow grants were written, so we presume he wants these:
- Funding for enhanced after-school options for students
- Funding for enhanced tutoring support
While not saying he will reject the follow ones, it sounds like that’s the plan, as he does ask for “the exact personnel that will be affected by the decision not to write” the ones below:
- Funding for social workers in our elementary school buildings
- Funding for the family school liaisons that assist families with connecting to outside resources
- Funding for school-based therapy to assist families that are unable to access support outside of school
- Funding for enhanced truancy tracking and support
- Funding for student and staff wellness
He makes no mention of:
- Funding for enhanced career and college support for students and families
On that one though, the career start program is continuing unchanged, so I suspect that grant had already been applied for with his knowledge, hence no mention of it.
The religious influence in school board elections
This fall, the Woodland Park RE-2 school district will vote on three new board directors, potentially shifting the balance of power of the current five-strong board. As we enter this season, it’s important to remember the influence religion had last time. Check out this article from Religion Dispatches. Andrew Wommack, with his Truth and Liberty Coalition and bible school Charis were at the center of this then…and we can expect even more this year. Pay attention, it’s going to get messy.
What had been, until recently, sleepy school board races across the state and the country, this year became political hot potatoes. The Colorado media generally cast these contests as battles between conservative groups and teachers unions, and that the results were mixed. But lost in this framing was the quiet electoral pilot project of the Truth and Liberty Coalition, the other arms of Wommack’s political and educational empire—and their out-of-state partner, the Texas-based Wallbuilders organization.
Letters to the Editor – March 22, 2023
Here are some recent letters to the editor about our schools:
The dangers of the American Birthright curriculum
I am writing to express my concerns about the American Birthright curriculum and its potential dangers for young people. While it is important to teach our youth about the history and culture of our country in ways that do not bring shame or internalized hate to today’s youth, the way in which this specific curriculum approaches these topics is problematic.
I have only reviewed the social studies section for 11th grade and 12th grade. At first, I thought this was a more thorough and pervasive curriculum than I remembered from my own excellent high school education in the 1970’s because of the breadth of original documents included. I opened my mind to the possibility that this wasn’t so bad after all….
It is, however, obvious that much has been skewed toward one perspective of history with minimal minority views. In fact, so far I have found only three speeches and two African-Americans represented. The American Birthright program presents a narrow and one-sided perspective on American history, emphasizing only the positive aspects and ignoring the darker parts of our past. This can lead to a distorted understanding of our nation’s history, ultimately hindering our ability to learn from past mistakes and create a better future. History does, in fact, repeat itself if we don’t learn from the past. Germany carries the legacy of Hitler. Rather than ignore it, German schools teach deeply about what happened so that it can never happen again.
What is this school board and some religious zealots so afraid of about accurate history and different but equally valid perspectives?
Additionally, the program seems to promote particular religious and political agendas, often advocating for conservative views on social and economic issues, promoting Bible passages and religious interpretation of the Founding Fathers without a fair and balanced representation of all the Founding Fathers and their arguments about the role of religion in society. The FF were consensually clear that no religion should rule the land, yet this American Birthright program indicates a different conclusion. This curriculum not only limits critical thinking and analysis but also reinforces societal divisions and prejudices.
Finally, the program’s lack of diversity and inclusivity also raises concerns. The curriculum fails to acknowledge the contributions and experiences of marginalized groups, leaving minority students and girls feeling excluded and invalidated. No. Small. Thing. Self-image is radically volatile for teenagers without feeling marginalized.
In conclusion, while the American Birthright and its supports have good intentions, its narrow focus and potential political biases are harmful to young people’s education, development, and ability to be critically and practically ready for the “real world.” It is crucial that we provide our youth with a well-rounded education that encourages critical thinking skills and diverse perspectives. Faith can withstand critical analysis. Freedom can only stand if people are free to explore, consider, and express themselves.
As a community, I’m begging school board members and community members to listen to the experts, your state’s board of education, so many parents. I hear a lot of prayer and scripture being quoted during board meetings, but when I hear from parents and teachers? It’s to steer clear of this program and stop stifling our brilliant students, scaring (and firing or sidelining) teachers, and let teachers get on with being teachers.
Trina Hoefling, Florissant
Loss of programs will harm students
Thank you for revealing that the Woodland Park School District is cutting programs to support students’ well-being. This is one more decision the board had hoped to slide quietly through without informing parents or the community.
Grant applications that have been frozen include over a million dollars and fund a total of eleven counselors and social workers district wide. The district has also decided not to participate in the universal free lunch program that was passed in November. Citizens are paying for this food through state taxes and should not be denied access to it.
There is clear evidence the programs funded by these grants improve academic achievement; they help students focus, cope with challenges and be ready to learn.
Eliminating or reducing these services will harm the students and families most in need. If your children don’t experience a family crisis, suffer from stress or anxiety, and if your family has not been impacted by inflation and your children know they will have plenty of food at each meal, your family probably won’t miss this support.
But we know some students in this district feel sad every day, need help coping with loss and family crises, need safe and healthy supervised activities during school breaks and need access to healthy lunches without the shame or pressure of applying for charity.
In his message on the school webpage, Superintendent Witt promised to create a “positive and transformative learning environment for all students”. Other board members have promised to protect students and make their safety and well-being a top priority. The decision to eliminate these services is a direct violation of those promises and needs to be reversed.
Holly Sample, Florissant
Obsession with fake dangers
In response to Mr. Grina’s letter of March 8, I have to wonder if he lives in the area. He seems to think that the local schools spend their time teaching “questionable use of the 1619 Project, the (Ta-Nehisi) Coates book ‘Between the World and Me,’ staging drag queen shows, and encouraging teachers to conduct discussion of gender transition.” As a list of right wing fear-mongering it hits all the talking points, except didn’t use the word “grooming.” But to represent the teaching of children in public schools in Colorado, or Teller County specifically, it is complete fantasy. Anyone know the last drag queen show in a school in the County? Maybe if the local high school staged “Some Like it Hot”, which I doubt has ever happened.
This obsession with fake dangers to our kids is just impossible to countenance. They are pure fiction, and all part of a campaign to control the education of kids to strictly (very recent definitions) of conservatism, which hides uncomfortable facts, inconvenient history, and denies the value of empathy and discourse. That is what education is, especially the critical subjects of history and social studies! Teaching the ability to process information, both the good and bad, assess it’s impact on our surroundings, and to engage with others is vital. Trying to purge all uncomfortable subject matter is a disservice to our future as a region and nation. That’s why it is so amazing that today we have one side claiming that the other is engaged in censorship, while they purge instructional material, ban artistic expression, criminalize speech and ostracize those not in their political circle. Hypocrisy is not a strong enough word.
Mr. Grina says he just wants the other side to calm down, asserting that the “campaign” he disagrees with are combative, illegal or even violent, it shows that a discussion of reality is not really the goal. It is pushing an agenda in response to a fantastical progressive education system that does not exist. No, “gender transition” has never been in the curriculum, and there has not been a single drag show or Critical Race Theory (CRT) course taught in county or state primary schools. That is the problem: the critics of a full history or social studies curriculum can’t actually point to real issues, they have to create a false “woke” agenda that doesn’t reside on schools, educators or textbooks. Only then can they try to assure others that they are the reasonable ones, just trying to “protect the children”. No. They want to control the allowable subjects, and purge anything that opens the minds of students to other perspectives and lives. That is about control, not education.
This subject is not going away, and as the heroes of censorship and control expand their national profile for elected office, it will only get more shrill. The only defense is an informed citizenship, and students taught to approach subjects with a critical eye, and an open mind.
Michael Eaton, Divide
Neither silent nor the majority
Thank you for posting the many letters regarding WPSD withdrawing the book “Between the World and Me” from their curriculum. I read a very thoughtful response from Jerry Paul ( March 8) who actually experienced many of the crimes of Nazi Germany and gives a clear perspective of racial biases which America is leading into. He says this is exactly how Nazi “Brown shirts” controlled the public’s opinion pre WWII.
The letter by Curt Grina (3/8/23) disturbs me and I say this “politely” since he accuses people with different views to be “aggressive.” I would like to ask him what he means by “ the status-quo people “ since he referred to that three times. He also claimed that he is part of the “silent Majority” and I would like to say that he is far from “silent” nor is he the “majority”, His very defensive stance seemed to be attacking and full of hot air. He denies any “banning” yet in the original article written by Jameson Dion, that term is used several times. If we have “Freedom of Speech” in this country we MUST embrace ALL opinions and encourage children ( who will soon be adults) to Think for themselves, to embrace the Declaration of Independence and equal rights for ALL. Denying that this country has every had or has racial prejudice is like living in a bubble which some day may burst. Thank you Courier for being a wonderful newspaper where people can still express themselves!
Pamela Deck, Florissant
Original article: https://gazette.com/pikespeakcourier/letters-to-the-editor-march-22-2023/article_3a6fd890-c1eb-11ed-94a1-0bac5420deee.html
Judge orders release of Woodland Park School District surveillance footage to parent – Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition
A judge Wednesday ordered the Woodland Park School District to disclose video surveillance footage showing three school board members talking with a candidate for superintendent after a public meeting last December.
Teller County District Court Judge Scott Sells said he was not persuaded by the school district’s argument that the recordings either aren’t public records as defined by the Colorado Open Records Act or could lawfully be withheld under CORA’s discretionary exception for records revealing “specialized details … of security arrangements or investigations.”
— Read on coloradofoic.org/judge-orders-release-of-woodland-park-school-district-surveillance-footage-to-parent/
Witt modifies Policy GDQA – Support Staff Reduction in Force
Earlier in March, interim Superintendent Ken Witt modified administrative policy GDQA, ‘Support Staff Reduction in Force’. I’m not sure if there’s been any notice to staff of these changes; so far we’ve just depended on sharp-eyed team members. I’ll post the original and modified below, but here are the changes I found:
- Reduction in Force section
- Item 2, removed “however, the employee with the last employment date within a classification (i.e., teacher assistant, custodian, secretary, etc.) will be the first to be cancelled.”
- Item 3, changed notice from 30 days to 14. Removed “The Board will forward a list of those employees being reduced to the Classified Association on the same date that the notice of cancellation was sent to the employee.”, added “The employee may be instructed not to return to work if the Superintendent, or designee, deem it in the best interests of the District.”
- Recall section
- Very minor rewording of header
- Item 1, removed “In the best interest
sof the District, the Superintendent or designee will recall support staff employees from the list based on seniority.”, and added “When deemed in the best interest of the District, the Superintendent or designee may recall support staff employees from the list.” Note the change in language from ‘will‘ to ‘may‘. - Item 2, changed from 2 years to 1 year.
- Item 3, removed “When a job opening occurs within the District, the former employee eligible for re-employment according to the recall list will receive written notice sent to the last known address by certified letter. The former employee must respond within five (5) days of receiving such notice.”, added “It is the responsibility of the former employees to maintain awareness of when a job opening is posted by the District for which the employee is qualified to apply.”
