Teachers need our support!

The teachers need our support! Yesterday, Witt announced the sixth grade will be moved out of the Middle School and back to the elementary schools. This was done with zero collaboration with teachers or parents in the district…it was a surprise to all.

The majority of Middle School staff called in sick today (we’re told 29+).

Witt met with staff at Summit Elementary this morning. It did NOT go well. He’ll be meeting with staff at Gateway this afternoon.

Tomorrow morning (3/2), Witt will be meeting with staff at the Middle School at 7:30AM. We need to show the teachers we support them; we need as many people as possible lining the sidewalk outside the middle school. Bring signs if you can; we’ll have some extras. Do not block the roads; do not block pedestrians using the sidewalks. Please arrive early, by 7:00 if possible.