November election can return normalcy to the district

Woodland Park, Colorado, is a great example of what CAN happen with an extremist conservative board takes over and starts making changes.  This board is driving teachers and students out of the district, but voters have a very real chance of shifting the balance this November when three of the five board director positions are up for election.  There’s so much going on, that to get up to speed, check out the article and TV story NBC News did on us, and also the most recent one from Colorado Public Radio.

A wonderful slate of three candidates has announced their intent to run for school board this fall and I support them completely.  At this point in the race, the candidates are focused on fundraising and working on messaging.  If you’d like to help us take back control of this school board this fall, please consider donating to support their campaigns and send a message that we value traditional public education in this country. Any amount, no matter how small will help! Better yet, consider a small recurring monthly donation to help them between now and November. We need to get all three of these people elected!

Read more about the candidates in this article.

You can donate using these links:

Mike Knott:

Seth Bryant:

Keegan Barkley:

Thank you for your support!