Podcast – TeachLab – talking about Woodland Park

Check out this podcast episode from TeachLab (here’s the direct link for Apple podcast listeners), talking with former Woodland Park teachers David Graf (teacher of the class with the book that got removed from the classroom), and former Woodland Park teacher Sarah Kaka. It gives more insight into the history of that Civil Disobedience class…how it started, and how it ultimately came under fire.

The show description:

In the fourth episode of our new series, Teacher Speech and the New Divide, we’re taking a look at autonomy. How much autonomy do K-12 teachers really have, how is teacher autonomy being reduced… and what’s being lost as a consequence? We share a profile of David Graf, a veteran educator from Woodland Park, Colorado. And, our host Justin Reich is joined by law professor Derek Black and education professor Sarah Kaka.