DAVIS: Christian Nationalism is Turning Into Something Even Worse

In the three years since the January 6th insurrection, “Christian nationalism” has become a buzzword, bandied-about with no clear definition. Some have dismissed it as nothing, or a smear against Christian conservatives. Others have asserted that it is the single biggest threat to religious freedom in America and the future of the republic. Having spent the first half of my life steeped in Christian nationalism, and a large portion of the second half studying, analyzing, and working against right-wing extremist groups, I side with the latter camp. Buzzword or not, Christian nationalism presents a clear and present danger to the preservation of American democracy –  not just because of what it is now, but because of what it’s on its way to becoming.
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2024/01/davis-christian-nationalism-is-turning-into-something-even-worse/59413/

Shortly after publishing this article, the author, Logan Davis, appeared at a community event in Woodland Park to discuss this topic with the community. You can watch that below.
