While CSPD and EPSO were open and transparent about their training and procedures surrounding their SRO programs, it was not the same for Woodland Park School District RE-2.
On Aug. 17, 2023, the district sent out a one-page letter to the community alerting parents that they would be adding armed security officers to serve as school resource officers there.
11 News requested through an open records request the training and certification documentation for those hired to provide this armed security.
In their note to the community, the district writes, “These dedicated professionals must have completed rigorous training programs from law enforcement or other specialized training.”
Our newsroom wanted to know if these officers were certified to use rifles, and since they are not sworn officers like the majority of other local SRO programs, 11 News also requested additional information from the district about how they handle the training and certification for these armed guards.
The district responded: “No records existed.”
— Read on www.kktv.com/2023/10/05/we-have-get-there-face-threat-11-call-action-gets-inside-colorado-school-resource-officer-programs/
Author Archives: Matt G
DAVIS: This November’s School Board Elections Are More Important Than You Think
The most important school board races in Colorado this year are not on the Front Range, and are rarely in the press. They are tucked into high valleys
— Read on coloradotimesrecorder.com/2023/10/davis-this-novembers-school-board-elections-are-more-important-than-you-think/56745/
WPSD teachers ask for community input on changes | FOX21 News Colorado
(WOODLAND PARK, Colo.) — Teachers in Woodland Park are asking the community to take action against the Woodland Park School District (WSPD) school board. “I am deeply reluctant to speak, but I cannot stay silent,” said Anna Hand, a teacher at Woodland Park Middle School. In a press conference at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, […]
— Read on www.fox21news.com/news/wpsd-teachers-ask-for-community-input-on-changes/
Woodland Park teachers speak out against current leadership; superintendent responds | KRDO
Woodland Park teachers speak out against current leadership; superintendent responds | KRDO
— Read on krdo.com/news/2023/10/05/woodland-park-teachers-speak-out-against-current-leadership-superintendent-responds/
Woodland Park teachers defy ban on speaking out publicly; allege district’s policies are harming students | Colorado Public Radio
Dozens of Woodland Park teachers spoke out at a press conference Thursday to ask district officials to restore mental health supports for children, reinstate state-approved social studies standards, and remove a gag order that prevents them from speaking about district matters publicly or risk losing their jobs.
— Read on www.cpr.org/2023/10/05/woodland-park-teachers-speak-out-against-district-policies/
Woodland Park teachers speak out against sweeping changes
More than 80 teachers signed a letter criticizing board members who pushed for a conservative curriculum and barred teachers from speaking out.
— Read on coloradosun.com/2023/10/05/woodland-park-teachers-urge-community-to-vote-out-conservative-board-that-made-sweeping-changes/
Former, current Woodland Park School District employees express concerns with school board
Current and former school employees are expressing some of their concerns with the actions of the Woodland Park School Board.
— Read on www.kktv.com/2023/10/05/watch-live-former-current-woodland-park-school-district-employees-express-concerns-with-school-board/
Letters to the Editor — Oct 4, 2023 | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com
We are deadlocked on accusations of poor communication, biased moderators, and ill-intentioned organizers. Maybe Braver Angels can help. Instead of defining a fair forum as one that benefits a particular slate of candidates, what if we define it as one that features tough, neutral, and thought-provoking questions?
— Read on gazette.com/content/tncms/live/
Woodland Park school board treats teachers, students, taxpayers as the enemy
Woodland Park has become a testing ground for the Civics Alliance’s manifesto for whitewashing American history and demonizing teachers
— Read on coloradosun.com/2023/10/01/woodland-park-schools-opinion-carman/
Voters can expect a packed ballot | Pikes Peak Courier | gazette.com
Teller County Clerk & Recorder Stephanie Kees announced last week that ballots for the Nov. 7 election will be mailed Oct. 16 and will arrive in 7 to 10 days
— Read on gazette.com/content/tncms/live/