Author Archives: Matt G

Where school boards and politics meet | Colorado Public Radio

A small school district in Colorado has implemented a gag order on teachers, dropped most mental health support for next year, and adopted social studies standards previously rejected by the state board of education. It’s all happened in the past three months, and it’s caused upheaval in the community. But school board and district leaders say the path they’re on will lead to better academic outcomes. It’s an example of a somewhat new phenomenon in which politics and political issues become part of school boards. CPR education reporter Jenny Brundin takes a closer look.
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Chaos ensues as parents and teachers barred from entering superintendent vote | FOX21 News Colorado

FOX21 spoke with multiple members in line from the Charis Bible College who all said they had no relation to the school district but that they were there to support the school board.

“I don’t really care what’s happening very much… I’m really advocating for peace and unity,” said Tanner Wride, a member of the Charis Bible College.

Around 5:30 p.m., chaos ensued when officials with the school board said they would not be letting anyone else in. Hundreds of angry people were left outside in the pouring rain.
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What’s Lost When a Teacher Leaves a School | EdSurge News

The teacher pipeline is no longer leaking. With enrollment in traditional teacher education programs declining nationwide in the past few years, it is drying up at an alarming rate.

As the nation grapples with the profound effects these challenges have on school communities, the term “learning loss” has made its way into the spotlight. This term is commonly used in stories detailing what children across America lost during remote learning. It focuses primarily on how students have fallen behind in core academic areas such as reading and math, which is of course a critical issue. The trouble is, the term doesn’t represent the complexity of what students, families and school communities experience with teacher turnover.
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Woodland Park school board extends term of interim superintendent, reactions divided | KRDO

Wednesday night, the Woodland Park school board voted to extend the contract of controversial superintendent Ken Witt.

Dozens of community members turned out for the meeting, many voicing frustration over the decision, and many having to stand outside the building after the meeting room filled to maximum capacity.
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WTBOTT Season 3 Episode #5: “Abbott Elementary” Meets “Succession”: Woodland Park, CO, A Cautionary Tale For All Districts, Part 1 by Will This Be On The Test? Teacher Pod

If you heard of a corporation that had secret meetings, non-disclosure of public documents, and a company policy that included a gag order for employees’ personal social media, you might say “wow, that’s a pretty toxic environment.” Now…suppose you found out it was actually a school district? Shocking, right? Well, not so much these days.

We are talking about the very real Woodland Park, Colorado school district, where the interim superintendent, despite being recalled as a member of a board of education elsewhere, was the ONLY candidate considered. Where administrators and teachers are leaving in droves. Where a charter school has been placed in the middle school building, causing the sixth grade to be moved-without a discussion with building principals or teachers.

And where the Records Custodian-the person who handles all of the Open Records Requests-was unceremoniously terminated. Strangely, after he voiced objections to some of the less-than-open practices of the District, including instructing him to not fulfill requests.

We spoke to Logan Ruths, the former records custodian for Woodland Park, and Matt Gawlowski, parent/activist and developer of the “Support Woodland Park Schools” website. It’s a story you don’t want to skip.

Because…it could happen to you.
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How conservatives transformed the Woodland Park, CO, school district

The leaders of the Woodland Park School District are enacting an experiment in conservative governance in the middle of a state controlled by Democrats, with little in the way so far to slow them down. The school board’s decisions have won some praise in heavily Republican Teller County, but opposition is growing, including from conservative Christians and lifelong GOP voters who say the board has made too many ill-advised decisions and lacks transparency. 
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This article was written by NBC reporter Tyler Kingkade. Tyler spent a few days in Woodland Park last month talking to people and learning about the situation here. I think he did a really good job of telling this story in his own words in this article, instead of just repeating what people tell him…the work he put in to listening and learning really shows.

Why did the public schools buy a playground for the charter school?

Merit Academy is its own business entity…they have their own board, their own budget. So tell me, why did the WPSD buy a playground for them? Why didn’t Merit buy it themselves?

Their new playground, designed for ages 5-12, cost $75,347 (invoice 1, invoice 2), and as far as we can tell from the payment records, was paid for entirely by the WPSD. According to CDE data, district enrollment, not counting Merit, is 1676 students. So in other words, each student in the (traditional) public schools paid $44.96 out of funds that could otherwise have been used for their education…while Merit kids paid exactly $0.00.

Why are students of the (traditional) public schools paying for a playground to be used solely by students in a charter school? That is a question I posed to the interim superintendent, and also our school board president, but both refused to answer. So draw your own conclusions.

It’s also worth noting that this appears to be a violation of the Facilities Usage Agreement signed last spring. Section B(b) says, “The School shall be solely responsible to perform and bear the costs associated with the School Improvements.” Section H says, “All School Work performed by School pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed by School and at the School’s sole cost and expense.” It appears the WPSD school board and administration violated the Facilities Usage Agreement, to the benefit of Merit Academy and the detriment of the (traditional) public schools.